Game-Based learning Lead WW – Microsoft


Why use game-based learning in education

09:15 – 10:00

Explore a range of teaching and learning experiences that immerse and engage students in curriculum learning, support social and emotional development, and facilitate career-ready skills growth through the power of games, gaming, and game-based learning.

Games are proving to be one of the most successful tools of the modern classroom.

As a modelling software, a STEM lab, a literacy support tool, a coding platform, and a space for creative, competitive, and collaborative interaction and learning experiences, games, gaming and game-based learning offer educators a solution to almost every learning outcome they have.

Deze keynote zal gegeven worden in het Engels. 
In zijn keynote neemt Stephen je mee in zijn verhaal en ervaring met game-based learning. Je ontdekt er de voordelen en leert waarom iedereen game-based learning kan inzetten.


Stephen is a passionate advocate of both play as a powerful learning mechanism, and technology as a tool for learning.

With over 20 years of experience in education, actively pioneering much of the work in the field of games-based learning, Stephen has worked in over 70 countries worldwide, using over 140 off-the-shelf games to engage learners in curriculum, social and emotional learning, and career-readiness.

His work is centred around creating immersive and inclusive digital learning environments, as well as real-world and play-based experiences that put learners on working farms and in museums, to travelling classrooms in shipping containers, as well as building an entire school using a single 3D printer in a South African township.